Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is anyone else highly sceptical over all this 'green mania'?

Sure I believe in conservation, frugality, waste elimination, but I also know about carrying something to extremity, and am highly suspicious of those that are profiteers in this carbon-credit green movement. A lot of well meaning people want to preserve asnd save the planet, but we must not stop orderly progress, progress that with the help of the Almighty, will save the starving, the oppressed, and bring lasting peace to all. Lets not be hastened to disaster by people that are either mis-informed, or deceptive using junk science that shackles progress. Politicians are like the s that follow the fleet, ready at every port to take you, and your money. The people sold into this 'green monster' for the majority know little of real practical application of conservative values. We are oversold, over influenced, and over stimulated to gratify our every waking hours with low quality food, low quality goods and services and entertainment & news of the silly, the ridiculous, no wonder?

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